What lies between the covers of books?

Boris Morrison
2 min readMar 22, 2021

I have not read many books in the past couple of years and it has definitely fallen off ever since primary school. Ever since I've been introduced to video games, social media and streaming services, I have not been reading much at all. However, when I do read a book that interests me, I tend to finish it within a week and I will prioritise it over using my phone and laptop. I do think that reading is extremely beneficial for students to excel in English. I see myself sticking to one genre that I like, which is action-adventure. When I choose a book to read, I am normally too scared to go out of my comfort zone. However, I occasionally expand into different genres such as sports fiction, historical fiction and fantasy. I think the Dylan Thomas poem is very inspirational and accurately describes the nature of a book and how it isn’t just a bunch of paper.

In the past year, I intentionally read books that were not action-adventure. Some include The Boy at the Top of the Mountain, Cracking the Cube and The Foxhole Court trilogy. I thoroughly enjoyed them all but I wish I had read more books.

The Foxhole Court trilogy. A sports fiction novel revolving around a made-up sport called Exy. I love the intensity of the sport as well as the unexpected plot involving the Japanese Mafia.

The Road to Winter trilogy. A dystopian novel set in Australia where they have a deadly virus. I like how relatable and relevant the plot is to our current situation.

Cracking the Cube. The book captures the world of Rubik’s cubing very well and gives a deeper understanding of the Rubik’s cube industry.

CHERUB series. A spy fiction novel where an organisation recruit orphans in order to go on secret missions. It is very fast-paced, and I like how thrilling it is.

Skulduggery Pleasant. It introduced me to the world of fantasy. I like the action in this book and the comedy.

